Aaron D. Jaggard 博士講演会

日時: 2005年5月24日 16:20-17:50

場所: 慶應義塾大学 21世紀COE人文科学研究拠点 三田東宝ビル8F会議室

講演者: Aaron D. Jaggard (VIGRE Postdoctoral Fellow, Mathematics Department, Tulane University, USA.)

タイトル: ``Towards the Design of Robust Inter-domain Routing Protocols''

アブストラクト: The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), the inter-domain routing protocol for the Internet, allows for a wide variety of routing policies that may interact in unintended and unstable ways. Recent work on BGP and related protocols has begun to incorporate formal protocol models, which have enabled rigorous descriptive analyses of BGP. More recently, such models have been used to give prescriptive guidelines for the design of new protocols. These guidelines include both sufficient conditions for good routing behavior and limitations on what can be achieved without coordination between routers. Here we review potential routing problems, formal models that describe routing at different levels of abstraction, and the design guidelines that they have been used to prove. There are additional complications when policy interactions within an autonomous domain are considered; we discuss ongoing work to address these.

This is joint work with Vijay Ramachandran (Yale), and some parts are also in collaboration with Tim Griffin (Cambridge).

住所:東京都港区三田 3-1-7 三田東宝ビル 8F
e-mail:philosophy at abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp
