Andre Scedrov教授講演会

日時: 11月16日(火) 4:30 〜 6:00 PM

場所: 慶応義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館6階 G-Sec Lab ホール

講演者: Andre Scedrov (アメリカ・ペンシルバニア大学・情報科学科兼数学科・教授)

タイトル: ``Soundness and Completeness of Formal Encryption''

アブストラクト: We consider expansions of the Abadi-Rogaway logic of indistinguishability of formal cryptographic expressions. The formal language of this logic uses a box as notation for indecipherable strings, through which formal equivalence is defined. We expand the logic by considering different kinds of boxes corresponding to equivalence classes of formal encryption. We consider not only computational, but also purely probabilistic, information-theoretic interpretations. We present a general, systematic treatment of the expansions of the logic for symmetric encryption. We establish general soundness and completeness theorems for the interpretations. This is joint work with Pedro Adao and Gergei Bana.

岡田 光弘 研究室
e-mail:philosophy at abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp
