The 2nd Franco-Japanese Computer Security Workshop, Tokyo
Based on the CNRS-JST Franco-Japanese collaboration on Computer Security, we plan the following 2nd Workshop in Tokyo, connected to ASIAN'06 on Secure Software (the 11th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference).
For the Asian'06 on Secure Software, please see
The Franco-Japanese Workshop (Sponsored by Keio University with support from JST and CNRS) is open to the public with free of charge.
- Dec.4-5 Franco-Japanese Computer Security Workshop (at Keio Univ.)
- Dec.6-8 Asian 06 on Secure Software (at NII)
G-Sec Lab, 6th Floor, East
Building, Mita
Campus of Keio University
(5 minutes walk from JR-Tamachi Station or Subway-Mita Station or Subway-Akabanebashi Station)
Dec 4th (Monday)
10:10-11:40 Session on Formal Methods for security protocols- Yu ZHANG, Project EVEREST, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis "Cryptographic logical relations"
- Koji Hasebe (CVS/AIST) and Mitsuhiro Okada (Keio University) "Secure protocol composition with Basic Protocol Logic"
- Ve'ronique Cortier (Loria, CNRS) "How to protect security protocols against active attackers"
- Yoshio Tanaka, (Grid Research Center, AIST) "Introduction of recent activities on Grid security"
13:30-15:00 Session on Formal Methods for security protocols II
- Eugen Zalinescu (University Henri Poincare of Nancy) "Deciding security properties using Deducibility Constraints"
- Hubert Comon (LSV, Ecole Normale Superieure-Cachan) "Associative-Commutative Deducibility Constraints" (Joint work with S. Bursuc and S. Delaune)
- Shinya Nishizaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology), "Calculus for Denial-of-Service Attack Resistance and its Application"
Break (20 minutes)
15:20-16:40 Session on Relation between Formal Methods and Computational/Cryptography Methods- Jesus Almansa, (NTT Information Sharing Platform Lab) "Probability Space Transformations and Cryptographic Proofs (Tentative Title)"
- Yassine Lakhnech, Verimag, University of Grenoble "A generalization of DDH with applications to protocol analysis and computational soundness" (joint work with Emmanuel Bresson, Laurent Mazar, and Bogdan Warinschi)
- Hideki Sakurada (NTT Communication Science Lab) and Masami Hagiya (The University of Tokyo), "Computationally Sound Formal Blind Signature (Short Talk)"
Break (15 minutes)
16:55-17:40 security protocols research- Masami Hagiya (The University of Tokyo), Tatsuaki Okamoto (NTT Information Sharing Platform Lab), and Yasuyuki Tsukada (NTT Communication Science Lab) "The FAIS Research on the relationship between formal methods and computational methods"
- Gergei Bana (University California-Davis and Keio University) "Comparison on various approaches for the computational soundness"
- Iliano Cervesato (Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar) "Formal analysis on Kerberos"
- Arnab Roy (John Mitchell Group, Stanford University) "Disscusion on Computational soundness"
- Kenji Kono, (Keio University) "Exploiting Layer7 Context for Network Intrusion Prevention"
(All audience are welcome to join to the Reception, without charge)
Dec 5th (Tuesday)
9:30-12:15 Cryptology Session- Nicolas Gama (Computer Science Department, Ecole Normale Superiere) "Security of lattice based cryptosystems"
- Junji Shikata (Yokohama National University) "Steganography with Unconditional Security"
- Michel Abdalla (Computer Science Department, Ecole Normale Superiere) "Group Authenticated Key Exchange"
Break (15 minutes)
- Tatsuaki Okamoto (NTT Information Sharing Platform Lab) "A New Efficient Public-Key Encryption Scheme under Standard Assumptions"
- Shingo OKAMURA (Cybermedia Center, Osaka University), PKI Based Authentication Platform System in Osaka University
Conference Lunch (All speakers are invited to the conference lunch)
13:45-14:15 Security Valuation Session- Quang Huy Nguyen, Gemalto "Common Criteria evaluation and formal verification"
- Yoshiki Kinoshita (CVS/AIST) "What's going on at CVS/AIST"
- Yutaka Oiwa (RCIS/AIST) "TBA (Tentative Title: Introducing RCIS and Memory Safe Compilation of C Programs)"
Break (15 minutes)
15:50-18:00 Session on Secure and Reliable Software- Claude Kirchner (Loria, INRIA Lorraine) "Surnatural deduction"
- Toshiyuki Maeda (The University of Tokyo) "Toward dependable development of systems software"
Break (10 minutes)
- Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (LIX, Ecole Polytechnique) "CCC : the Calculus of Congruent Constructions"
- Marti Nicolas (The University of Tokyo) "TBA"
The formal members of the Franco-Japanese Computer Security Group:
- Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku University)
- Kenji Kono (Keio University)
- Masami Hagiya (The University of Tokyo)
- Tsutomu Matsumoto (Yokohama National University)
- Mitsuhiro Okada (Keio University)
- Tatsuaki Okamoto (NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group)
- Junji Shikata (Yokohama National University)
- Shinji Shimojo (Osaka University)
- Yoshio Tanaka (AIST)
- Hajime Watanabe (RCIS/AIST)
- Akinori Yonezawa (The University of Tokyo)
- Veronique Cortier (LORIA)
- Denis Caromel (INRIA)
- Hubert Comon (ENS-Cachan)
- Patrick Cousot (ENS)
- Gilles Dowek (LIX, Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique)
- Ludovic Henrio (CNRS)
- Claude Kirchner (LORIA)
- David Pointcheval(ENS)
- Michael Rusinowitch (INRIA)
- Jacques Stern (ENS-Ulm)