フェアなデジタル環境・ML環境・フェアな知識共有の実現について:フランスInria情報科学者グループとの対話 (ハイブリッド, 3月24日午後)
France-Japan Meeting Considering Fair Development and Scientific Knowledge & Data Sharing with the Digital Environments of Our Lives and Society (March 24th Afternoon, Hybrid, Keio U. Mita Campus)
(This Workshop is held as an intermediate workshop of the France-Japan Cybersecurity Workshop series with a formal methods WG session on fairness of ML)
最新情報はこちらをご覧ください。 See this URL for the updated information
(URL開設中の場合は一両日以内に開設されます。See a day later if the URL is not open yet.)
OA・OSの日仏最新事情, フランスのデジタル倫理事情、機械学習フェアネス研究状況, 発展途上地域のデジタル環境のフェアネス諸問題などを情報科学者と哲学系研究者を含む研究者間で学際的に議論します。
We discuss the most updated current Open-Access・Open Science landscapes of Japan and France・EU, digital ethics, especially Machine Learning-AI fairness’ technical issues as well as social issues. We also discuss how to realize fair developments of digital and ML・AI environments of lives without regional discrimination in the world. Hybrid-form Meeting.
Hybrid-form Meeting. Pre-registration is required.
Pre-registration Form / 申込フォーム: https://forms.gle/qDF5B3G7WGqfVbes7
日時:3月24日(月) 13:00-18:00 (ハイブリッド開催)
Date: March 24th, 2025, 13:00 – 18:00
Venue: G-Lab, 6th floor of the East Building at the East Gate of Mita-Campus of Keio University and Zoom
The East Building is #13 of the campus map bellow:
12:50 | Registration |
13:00 |
Opening Remark (Mitsuhiro Okada and Koji Mineshima) Opening address: On the topic of fairness; issues and scopes of the France-Japan Meeting Claude Kirchner (President of the French Consultative National Committee on Digital Ethics, Senior Researcher Emeritus at Inria) Jean-Baptiste Bordes (Attaché, the Science and Technology Division, French Embassy in Japan) |
13:20 |
Session 1: Towards Fair developments of digital computing and AI environments and related issues on fair research environments
14:10 | pause |
14:20 |
Session 2: Discussing fair sharing knowledge/data and beyond Updating the status of the OA-OS in Japan, France/EU and other regions Invited speakers
15:40 | pause |
15:50 |
Session 3: Special invited talks on some aspects of fairness research of machine learning
Discussion |
18:00 | Closing |
- 主催:慶應義塾大学未来共生デザインセンター (The Center for Design of Future Symbiosis of Keio University)
- 後援:慶應義塾大学グローバルリサーチインスティチュート・チャレンジグラント「説明可能なコンピューティング環境の実現に向けて」 (Keio University KGRI Challenge Grant: Toward the Realization of Explainable Computing Environments)
Mitsuhiro Okada, Koji Mineshima, and Hirohiko Abe